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Top 10 professional life coaching myths

CBS News

Life coaching is all the rage. Harvard Business Review reports that coaching is a $1 billion a year industry, but just what is a personal coach, professional coach…?

The #1 Habit You Should Have to Lose Weight


Recently I asked those 50 coaches to look at the list again and pick the one habit you should have to lose fat easily.

The FASTER Scale


The FASTER Scale is an amazing tool that was developed by a Christian counselor named Michael Dye. “FASTER” is an acronym for Forgetting Priorities, Anxiety, Speeding Up, Ticked Off,  Exhausted, and Relapse.


New Life Live: June 28, 2011

New Life

Dr. Phillis is interviewed by Dr. Dave Stoop and Dr. Jill Hubbard.

Pay It Forward

Sermon by Dr. Jim Phillis

Parables are one of Jesus’ most powerful tools for helping us understand how to live in God’s Kingdom. In the Parable of the Unjust Servant, we come face-to-face with a painful reality in the Church—those of us who have experienced God’s forgiveness struggle with the ways that we are wounded by others, even those who are brothers and sisters in the faith. The Lord Jesus illustrates how we can fail to accurately estimate how much we have been forgiven. When we see the true nature of His forgiveness, our relationships with others can be transformed.

When Addiction Isn’t The Real Problem

Interview with Stephen Arterburn

Dr. Phillis talks to Stephen Arterburn on his “Life Recovery Today” program.


August 2021 - Sustained Victory

Notes for August Sustained Victory micro-course: Phone calls and Herd/Heard Behavior

Pay It Forward

Sermon by Dr. Jim Phillis

Parables are one of Jesus’ most powerful tools for helping us understand how to live in God’s Kingdom. In the Parable of the Unjust Servant, we come face-to-face with a painful reality in the Church—those of us who have experienced God’s forgiveness struggle with the ways that we are wounded by others, even those who are brothers and sisters in the faith. The Lord Jesus illustrates how we can fail to accurately estimate how much we have been forgiven. When we see the true nature of His forgiveness, our relationships with others can be transformed.

When Addiction Isn’t The Real Problem

Interview with Stephen Arterburn

Dr. Phillis talks to Stephen Arterburn on his “Life Recovery Today” program.