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ABC's from the Front Row

H = Hardship and Hope

“Americans worship their work, work at their play, and play at their worship.” I don’t remember when I heard this for the first time, but I have never forgotten it. It sure rings true in my life.

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ABC's from the Front Row

G = Gospel

Years ago, I was introduced to the practice of “preaching the Gospel to myself every day.” I have come to recognize that the first three steps of AA’s 12 Steps restate the basic affirmations that Christians make when they ask Jesus to be their Savior.

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ABC's from the Front Row

F = Forgiveness

In Matthew 18, Jesus directs His disciples to follow a protocol when someone sins against them.  “If your brother or sister sins, go and point

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The Gospel

Reason for Hope

“I have prayed for God to deliver me so many times and He hasn’t done it. He must not be listening to my prayers any

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What is 12-Step Recovery?

As a seminary graduate and pastor, I was skeptical about much of psychology and the recovery industry, in particular. I did learn a little more

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ABC's from the Front Row

E = Encouragement

Christians know that they are supposed to live by faith, not by sight. And we are quick to affirm that we know this, but I am more vulnerable to insecurity and fear than I want to admit. I DO need courage in order to face those insecurities and fears.

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Recovery as Spiritual Warfare

The opening scene of Saving Private Ryan was riveting. I had never before seen such a realistic portrayal of men going into battle. The vomiting

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ABC's from the Front Row

D = Discipleship

A disciple is one who has accepted the teachings of Jesus Christ as set forth in the Bible and is in the process of being

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ABC's from the Front Row

C = Conviction

Consider for a moment the life of a convict. He/she spends a portion of life behind bars as a result of being a suspect, then

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ABC's from the Front Row

B = Boundaries

Drs. Cloud and Townsend have written the definitive work on boundaries. In it, they challenge us to set limits that identify reasonable, safe and permissible

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ABC's from the Front Row

A = Addiction

Ed Welch described addiction as a “banquet in the grave.” Those behaviors by which I indulge myself without considering the consequences to myself and/or others

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Coaching: A Remedy for Blind Spots

Have you ever been in an auto accident and had to tell the other person or the police officer, “I didn’t see the other car coming?” Perhaps you’ve heard a football broadcaster comment on a quarterback sack, “Ooh, he got blindsided on that one?”

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Author: Jim Phillis